Monday, 24 March 2014

Test suite bug report

  • Description
    • The bug that I had fount in the game testing suite was in the start game when I was unable to get past the loading screen and it had stopped at around 95% on it. I then refreshed the page and the game had loaded fine.
  • Repeatability
    • Throughout testing this game this bug has only occurred once. I was not able to repeat it.

Submitting to a database

  • Description
    • The bug that I have fount in the game year zero would be considered as a cosmetic bug. This is because the bug doesn't effect the way you play the game and it is something that you can barley notice. The bug itself is the background scene of the the game, it can go transparent and you can see some of the texture and models behind them. 
  • Repeatability
    • The bug is repeatable as every time I have log onto the game the bug has occurred.

Test suites

  • Pre-game
    • Do have any software running on your computer that may effect your games performance or that could create any issues?
      • Currently on the the computer I have no software to my knowledge that could effect the game I am about to start. However, I was was to have a screen capture program in the background then it could effect the performance of the game. This could mean that the game has slower loading screens or lower frame rate in the game. Another scenario that you might have in pre-game is if the you where to have multiple programs running this can also decrease the game performance.

  • Start game
    •  Did the loading and logo screens take longer then they should have?
      • When at the loading screen the loading bar will about 95% and then all of a sudden stop and not allow you to enter the game. This could have occurred from the games server being down. It could also have occurred because of my computers hardware.

  • In game
    • Have you fount any bug that could be potentially game breaking?
      • In the game I could not find any bugs however, I tested trying to find bugs that could potentially ruin the game. In the game there where minor bugs but nothing that could be considered severe.

  • Post game
    • Has your game been saved correctly and in the correct files?
      • The game that I have been playing has been saved correctly because when I had restarted my game to check that my game had been saved in the same place as where I was before the game was at the same point that it was in the previous game.